PhoneWord (iOS)

Convert phone numbers into words


Phone Word discovers words that a phone number spells and is like converting a phone number to words. Phone words let you represent a phone number with letters that correspond to the digits on a phone's dialpad. You see them on commercials where you're told to dial 355-DUNK, for example, to purchase basketball tickets. 355-DUNK is a phone word that represents the phone number 355-3865.

Phone numbers are much easier to remember with phone words and they're a lot more fun. You may not have to hassle with the phone company or change numbers to have a memorable phone number for yourself, your friends, or your business. Discover your own personal phone word and share it with your friends. Discover phone words for your friends and other contacts and share those as well. Easily remember phone numbers for your friends and contacts.


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Make phone numbers easier to remember.

Save your favorite phone words for easy retrieval, dialing, and accessing its contact.

Quickly enter a phone number by selecting it from your contacts.

Uses a dictionary of over 26,000 words.

Share phone words via Email, Facebook, Twitter and other social networks.

Add your own words to your own custom dictionary. Quickly add the names of your contacts and Facebook friends.